Dynamic Expansion
about 2 years ago
– Tue, Mar 14, 2023 at 07:47:30 AM
The Dynamic Expansion of Carom Mini Golf is all about outwitting your opponents and messing with their plans. It adds obstacles that change shape or placement upon contact with the ball, which makes a game of CMG even more unpredictable and unique!
Along with the dynamic obstacles, it also introduces a total of 32 tokens, that can be placed on any hole from the base game or the expansion arbitrarily or according to some given or agreed scheme. Tokens affect the final score as they alter the number of strokes used to put the ball in. Thus, they add another strategic element to the game, which is why we especially recommend using them in Carom mode.
The complete set of instructions with diagrams can be seen on our website: LINK.
Modified course holes
about 2 years ago
– Wed, Mar 08, 2023 at 10:59:01 AM
The board game Carom Mini Golf allows players to create countless modified courses. As you’ve probably seen, modified course holes are made by placing flat (closed or channeled), vertical, and movement slowing obstacles on basic holes. The option of having a huge variety of modified holes guarantees that the game will always feel new and interesting, and, on top of that, designing modified holes is a fun experience on its own, as it tests players’ creativity, imagination, attention to detail, and some practical skills in putting it all together.
There are no specific rules nor restrictions on how modified course holes should be made, but some general guidelines are as follows:
1) you shouldn’t place too many obstacles on one basic hole (4 to 5 max)
2) you should avoid creating dead ends and passive playing areas
3) you should avoid placing vertical obstacles in such a way that the ball, after landing, bounces off the wall or some other obstacle in the direction from which it came
At the end of both booklets, we have presented some modified course variants proposed by the authors. The S-1 diagram shows holes that are modified with only closed flat and movement slowing obstacles.
Note modified hole 4 on the S-1 diagram. The yellow (first stroke) and red dashed line (second stroke) show the path that guides the ball to the hole in only two strokes. This path is not noticeable at first glance, but a careful observation will always lead you towards the best path (not always the shortest one) from the tee to the hole.
The blue and orange dashed lines show a different path that also takes the ball to the hole in two. This path is a perfect example of how a puddle can be cleverly used to get the ball in a favorable position to score in the next shot.
For most of the modified courses shown, there are indeed one or even several direct paths from the starting area to the hole that the players should notice and take advantage of.
Diagrams S-2 and S-3 show modified holes that contain both types of flat obstacles, along with movement slowing obstacles.
Diagrams S-4 and S-5 show modified course holes which feature all types of obstacles: flat (closed and channeled), vertical and movement slowing ones.
A special feature of this game is the possibility to combine several holes into one longer course hole, with the aid of channeled flat and vertical obstacles that serve as bridges between individual basic holes. In that case, it must be specified explicitly which individual starting area is used as the starting area of the combined course, and, also, which individual hole is used as the combined course hole. The following diagram shows an example of a modified course made of basic holes 2 and 3. The starting area belongs to the course hole 2, and the hole itself, to the course hole 3.
Diagram S-6 shows an example of combining holes 4 and 6 (with two bridges). The starting area is on hole 4, and the hole, on 6.
Diagram S-7 gives an example of joining holes 2, 3 and 5. The tees are on hole 2 and the hole, on the course hole 3.
It is possible to combine all holes into one unit in different ways. The S-8 diagram shows an example in which the tees are on course hole number 5, and the hole belongs to the course hole number 1.
The Dynamic Expansion features dynamic obstacles, and tokens, which do not impede movement, but can significantly affect the overall result (each has a value when put on the course according to a particular setup). Dynamic obstacles and tokens can be placed on all holes from both the base game and the Dynamic expansion, and their types and function will be the topic of one of the next updates.
Carom Mini Golf is funded! First stretch goal announcement
about 2 years ago
– Fri, Mar 03, 2023 at 06:43:06 AM
Thank you very much, everyone! We have reached the main campaign goal which means our Carom Mini Golf campaign is successful!
Sincerely, we expected the goal to be reached quicker, but the circumstances around this campaign are indeed a bit specific, so we expect the large part of our online community to join in at a later date. At the same time, we are sure that the quality of the game will get recognized very quickly, which will contribute to the campaign’s greater success.
We’re using this update to announce the first stretch goal:
A set of 6 alternative balls.
These balls are easier for manipulating, and on top of that, they allow for the players to control more than one ball in Carom mode, or even allow participation of up to 12 players.
The stretch goal is set at $1000.