
Carom Mini Golf

Created by Forsage Games

A board game simulation of miniature golf, with a twist! Shipping fee is calculated by the total weight of items.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

IMPORTANT: May shipping!
almost 2 years ago – Fri, Mar 31, 2023 at 01:04:40 PM

No, it’s not April fools, it’s not even the 1st of April here.

Since we’re approaching the end of the campaign, we took some time to tweak the preliminary production plan and adjust it to the final reward estimates. Not long after the Kickstarter campaign, there will be a 2-week pledge manager, and we included it also in the calculations.

The 3d printing of the plastic elements and printing of the boards and boxes will start immediately after the Kickstarter campaign, so we can start assembling the sets during the BackerKit campaign. When it ends (beginning of May), we will need a few days to arrange the shipping of the first batch, while the aim will be to ship everything by the end of May.

So, fulfillment a few months early. Sounds good, right? :)

Stretch goal #5
almost 2 years ago – Thu, Mar 30, 2023 at 07:41:28 AM

Hello, everyone!

Thanks to you, we have reached another stretch goal! Thank you! There will now be an additional hole printed on the interior cardboard of the main box, with two required obstacles that allow play on different levels.

The next stretch goal will be a set of alternative cards for ball movement.

As you know, the basic set contains 6 dice, out of which one is a classical d6 dice, while the others are modified, usually according to some simple mathematical formula (the blue die is an exception, as it is used for short putts).

The alternative cards are used in conjunction with the classical d6 die (numbers 1 to 6). There is also a ‘minimum’ card, the equivalent to the blue die, but with slightly different numbers, while the rest of the cards add to or multiply the value of the classical d6 die: +3, +7, x4, x6, and one blank card, for players to formulate according to their preferences.

If used in the same game, the alternative cards and the base game dice offer an enormous variety of choice, which helps in getting lower scores.

This stretch goal is set at $6000.

Stretch goal #4
almost 2 years ago – Mon, Mar 27, 2023 at 02:48:25 AM

Hi, everyone!

Another stretch goal has been reached! Thank you again so much for the support! The sets will now include 4 additional flat obstacles for additional variety when creating your own mini golf course.

As for the next stretch goal, we have planned an extra course hole printed on the interior cardboard of the main game box. Since the three parts are at different levels, the hole comes with two unique vertical obstacles that connect them into one unit. 

The goal is set at $5000. 

Also, we have created an entry on BGG for Carom Mini Golf, so feel free to share your impressions there:

CMG Special Edition
about 2 years ago – Thu, Mar 23, 2023 at 09:11:17 AM

The game Carom Mini Golf aims at a wide range of potential players. During the testing phase and the campaign preparation, we showcased the trial edition to a very diverse audience in terms of gender, age, and board game experience, and we received excellent feedback from all of them. Since many of them wanted to get a copy for themselves immediately, and having in mind that our workshop is adapted for making large, small, as well as prototype series, we made a series of unique, personalized Carom Mini Golf boxes just for them.

Carom Mini Golf - LIGHT version
about 2 years ago – Thu, Mar 16, 2023 at 08:46:47 AM

Looking at the structure of the pledges in the first ten days, we’ve come to the conclusion that almost everyone who pledged for a physical copy of the game ordered the Dynamic Expansion as well. Also, the fact that a large percentage of the backers has opted for the PnP version, made us realize that it is necessary to offer a cheaper version of the game, even before the campaign ends. Considering that all the games will be made in our workshop, and the fact that our production capacities are very flexible, adaptable to any quantity, we’ve decided to make a LIGHT edition of the game, that will contain elements from both the base game and the expansion.

The full name of this edition is:

CAROM MINI GOLF: Light edition

with Dynamic expansion included

We have already made one prototype series.

The dimensions of the box are 24 x 20 x 3 cm, and it is made of soft laminated 350 gsm high-quality cardboard. There is also an additional transport box that ensures no damage during transport.

The boards are the same dimensions as in the basic edition and the expansion: 47 x 47 cm and 47 x 32 cm, but they are made thinner cardboard compared to the standard set (soft laminated 350 gsm high-quality cardboard).

The following elements: both sets of balls (a reached stretch goal), initial position markers, ball pushers (also a reached stretch goal), sliders, movement slowing obstacles, flexible tee rectangles, and flexible hole markers, are made of the same plastic material and in the same number as in the CMG base game and in the Dynamic Expansion.

All types of obstacles from the base game and the expansion are also featured here, but in a slightly lesser quantities: there are 11 flat, 2 vertical, and 3 dynamic obstacles.

During the pledge manager (BackerKit) it will be possible to order the Additional obstacles add-on, that will contain all the obstacles that were omitted from the LIGHT edition, and are present in the basic game and the Dynamic Expansion. This add-on will cost $8.

The base game contains six dice with specific numbers, while the expansion adds two more. Instead of these, the LIGHT edition has only one classic d6 die, and 8 cards that alter the number rolled on the die.

A set of dice from both the base game and the expansion will also be available in the pledge manager (BackerKit) as an add-on and will cost $4.

The LIGHT edition contains a half set of the tokens as the Dynamic Expansion (16 pieces).

Since the LIGHT edition contains boards and elements from both the base game and the expansion, it also contains all the booklets, two with text, and the other two with diagrams booklets (note that the picture lacks the expansion diagrams booklet, as it hasn’t been printed yet).

The price of this LIGHT edition on Kickstarter is $22. Since is version is lighter than the standard one (less than half a kilogram), the shipping fee is also cheaper: $13. By buying the LIGHT edition, you get almost everything from the base game and the expansion, but at a much lower price. If you on top of that order the add-ons (obstacles and dice), the price is still lower than of the regular set, and the only concession are the thinner game box and thinner boards.

See you at the course!