almost 2 years ago
– Mon, May 29, 2023 at 03:42:44 AM
Carom Mini Golf is nearing the end of production!
As you probably know, the pledge manager orders have been locked and your cards will be charged in a few days if you added more items during these two weeks. Thank you again for your support! We remind backers who still haven’t submitted their shipping details to do so, so we could fulfill their orders.
As we announced during the campaign, the CMG production started much ahead of schedule. Until last week, we kept our hopes high about starting shipping in May, which we also mentioned, however, the delay of the pledge manager start and our overall engagement have postponed that just a bit. So, the shipping will take place during the first half of June, which still counts as a very early fulfillment, as October was the original target for deliveries. In any case, CMG will be at your doorstep before the vacation season!
Here are some photos of produced items:
We firmly believe you’ll be very satisfied with the gameplay itself, as well as with the quality of components. It would mean a lot to us if you’d share your impressions on social networks, and especially on BGG, as every positive comment and rating has a huge value for popularizing this game further and making it more present at game nights all over the world.
UPCOMING: Tank Chess (reprint) on Kickstarter on May 30
Our most successful campaign so far took place at the end of 2017. It was the original global release of the game Tank Chess, and our project had over 2000 backers. In the meantime, this game has become very popular among gamers and has received very good reviews and comments. The base game itself is, practically, infinitely replayable, and the existing expansions give it additional flavor and provide it with even more gameplay variety.
Since the original campaign, the authors worked on new content that would be presented in a subsequent campaign. When it all got its final shape, we decided to start preparing the new campaign our main Kickstarter profile, and now the launch is just a day away! The campaign will feature the reprint of the majority of the original TC content plus the three new expansions: Tank Chess: Portable, Tank Chess: Extended, and Tank Chess: Fun Set Plus. The campaign on the Forsage Games profile starts on May 30 at 18:00 CET, so be sure not to miss it by clicking on the 'notify me' button:
As in each of our campaigns, we have prepared an interesting Loyalty Gift for gamers who previously backed any of our 7 projects, including this one, Carom Mini Golf. So, if you decide to pledge for a reward level that includes a physical copy, you’ll get a Tankball game light game set (board, 8 tank pieces, 3 d6s, plastic ball piece, and rules booklet) as a gift.
It is a simple but very dynamic game for two players. The aim is to outscore the opponent by controlling a team of 4 tanks (2 light and 2 heavy) that push and hit the ball towards the opponent's goal. Although all movement is determined by the dice rolls, the combinatorial skills and the creativity in execution are much more important factors than luck.
Other than the Loyalty Gift, we’ve prepared an additional gift for early pledges of physical rewards: if you pledge during the first 48 hours of the campaign, you will also get the TC: Airborne (mini) expansion for Tank Chess, which introduces a new feature, airborne tank drop-offs, which make the gameplay even more variable.
Next Forsage Light Games project: AIRTRACE
Since Carom Mini Golf will be fulfilled much earlier than the announced deadline, this "daughter" profile of ours will feature a new campaign at the end of June. If is for the game Airtrace, one of our oldest ones, with a really interesting history (more on that in a future update). For now, just a short teaser: in Airtrace (for 2 to 6 players), each player leads a team composed of 4 fighter jets, that don’t engage in battle with other teams, but compete with them on a military training ground in various skill challenges: speed, precision flying, shooting fictitious ground targets, and fictitious shoot-downs. The game rules are very simple, which makes it less demanding to play, and, thus, suitable for featuring on the Forsage Light Games profile. In that project, we will again offer interesting Loyalty and First Day gifts, so make sure you follow the updates during June.
Update #13: Pledge manager on the way + production status
almost 2 years ago
– Thu, May 04, 2023 at 03:08:11 PM
Hi, all,
As you might have seen in the comment section, the announced pledge manager was delayed unexpectedly due to an issue with shipping profiles, as we needed assistance from the BackerKit team in order to set everything up properly.
You'll be glad to know the issue has been resolved and the campaign has been sent for review, which will take 2 business days at most. Immediately after that, we will do a smoke test with the pledge surveys, and shortly after, all of you will get access in order to adjust your pledges if you wish and submit your shipping details.
As we announced during the campaign, we've started production of the plastic elements, and we can say everything is going at the desired pace for now.
Cheers and see you soon in the pledge manager!
Thank you, everyone! It is much appreciated!
almost 2 years ago
– Sun, Apr 02, 2023 at 03:03:23 PM
Hi, everyone!
It is done! You've made the first edition of Carom Mini Golf possible! This means even more to us as it marks a successful start of our Forsage Light Games profile, which will feature less demanding games for a wider audience. Thank you all for your support and high-quality feedback this last month or so!
As we already mentioned, there will be an additional period to adjust your pledges, which will be done through BackerKit pledge manager. It will start in the second half of April and last 2 weeks. After that, we will lock shipping address changes in order to start shipping early in May. The additional loyalty gift and first-weekend gift will also be ready for delivery within the first batches.
We invite all the backers to publish their impressions of the game on BGG and social media upon receiving the game, as it means a lot to us for the further promotion and game placement onto the market. Be free to approach us if you have any ideas or propositions in that regard.
We will notify you frequently on the production status through the updates and the social media.
In the end, we use this opportunity to let you know that there are currently two active campaigns on Kickstarter created by our friends and associates from Serbia. We hope you'll give them a glance and consider backing: